Welcome To Talk to Layla
Begin your learning journey
Hello! I am glad you’re here! I’m Layla, a language enthusiast, foreign language teacher, translator, interpreter, businesswoman, and cheerful girl.
In case you’re new here and don’t know about me, this blog is all about languages. If you aspire to know about various foreign languages or wish to learn, you don’t want to miss this site.
“talktolayla.sk” is the place where I share my passion for languages, knowledge, experience, reviews, and resources that I consider useful for successful learning. I believe that language education can be joyous and efficient with the proper approach and attitude.
All journeys have a beginning. And mine starts as a student who has been exposed to foreign languages at an early age. When I started school, I got introduced to English and French in 1st grade. Learning a new language was never my goal and interest until I studied the Slovak language when I came to study in Slovakia at the university.
It was during this time that I found my love for languages. To keep up the zeal. That was in may 2017. I enrolled and completed all Slovak levels in three month to be accepted for the university to start studying all in Slovak in september 2017.Since then I have learned Russian and Spanish for the same period as I learned Slovak.
My challenge was to learn Slovak as soon as possible, to be able to communicate with people, to have friends, to be successful in school and to have the opportunity to find a job. After that experience, I decided to spread it to people who think that learning a new language is impossible but to show them how it can be learned in the same way as me.
For students or anyone who would like to start their journey of learning a new language but think it would be difficult, well, I completely agree with them and know the challenges they face in learning it. I am here, and I offer you the complete guide on your trip, I will share with you my knowledge and experience with learning a foreign language and how I could learn it ONLY in three months.
I'll probably continue in the future with learning more.
I have worked with nearly 15 organizations and schools since I came to Slovakia and had great success with my students, ranging from middle school to college-age, non-traditional students and employees in the corporate world. I am currently a lecturer in 7 state Slovak schools and one international company where I take turns during the week and give lessons.
Occasionally I also get involved in mentoring students, curriculum design, and career counseling with comprehensive experience in different programs, topics, age levels, and educational approaches.
This page is something I wanted to start for a long time, but it took me forever to pull the trigger and actually do it. I created this blog mainly for three reasons. First, learning and teaching languages is my passion, and I love languages. In fact, this is what I do. Being a linguist for 4 years, It was a no-brainer that I’d start something language-related someday. Passion is what leads to sustainable writing. You’ll do best at the things you admire.
Second, today, there is a growing demand for foreign language professionals. The information available is pretty limited. I intended to inspire and help you find quality, useful, and appropriate content for you.
It took me a long time to research different languages and various ways and methods of learning and teaching them. I’m addicted to research. I still don’t consider myself an expert, but I’m happy to help in any way I can. Hundreds of people continued to express interest in finding out more about languages.
Well, eventually, I decided to create this page dedicated to helping people learn a new language not only in Slovakia but all over the world. So talktolayla.sk was born in 2021!
By having different students, whether according to their age, language level or their educational needs, I prepare a lesson plan for each student or each group individually according to their needs. Here are many different methods by which I am inspired in my way of teaching and preparation for lessons.
Is an educational approach that aims to customize learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests. Each student gets a learning plan that's based on what they know and how they learn best.
Techniques and tools that apply the principles of game design to the learning process -a dynamic way to engage learners and help educators assess learning.We could say that if students were always motivated, teachers’ problems would disappear. Motivation is the key to good teaching and learning flow in the classroom. For this reason, GBL is very effective, as games are naturally motivating and engaging. Moreover, games provide something that can be described as “far from a traditional lesson” and they often include competition among students; which can raise the level of motivation in a classroom. Teachers can decide on the type of competition and create supportive teams to lower the level of stress among students.
Play Wisely is an exciting and challenging game that promotes optimal development of the child's brain during the critical period of neural pathways formation from 4 months to 3 years. It also helps increase the efficiency of a child's later learning.
Film can bring variety and flexibility to the language classroom by extending the range of teaching techniques and resources, helping students to develop all four communicative skills. For example, a whole film or sequence can be used to practise listening and reading, and as a model for speaking and writing.
It turns the focus on students rather than only on the teacher. Students play a more active role in their learning and may even help choose the topics they learn about.
Cooperative learning involves a lot of group work. However, it also requires a lot of structure and intervention from the part of the teacher to make learning as effective as possible. Some commonly used cooperative learning strategies include “think-pair-share”. Discussions in small groups or pairs, students are broken into small groups and read or learn from a certain perspective. Then, one group member from each of the groups form new groups and they bring their understanding to that group.
The Montessori method is most popular in preschools, kindergartens, and lower elementary grades. In this method, the teacher prepares an ideal classroom environment full of activities that children may pick from to work on. The method also encourages the use of “materials” or carefully created objects designed for learning.
It only uses the target language that the students are trying to learn.Its main focus is oral skill and it is taught via repetitive drilling. Grammar is taught using an inductive way and students need to try and guess the rules through the teacher’s oral presentation.
Total Physical Response, otherwise known as TPR is an approach that follows the idea of ‘learning by doing’. Beginners will learn English through a series of repetitive actions such as “Stand up”, “Open your book” the most important skill is aural comprehension and everything else will follow naturally later.
The idea behind this approach is to help learners communicate more effectively and correctly in realistic situations that they may find themselves in. This type of teaching involves focusing on important functions like suggesting, thanking, inviting, complaining, and asking for directions to name but a few.
Students acquire knowledge, research, think critically, evaluate, analyze, make decisions, collaborate, and more. Also, an important tenet of the project is that students have choice.
Instead of repeating answers students have been taught, students learn to seek their own answers to questions. So, students develop strong research skills. In addition, children learn how to choose questions to answer and what questions they might ask.
For students or anyone who would like to start their journey of learning a new language but think it would be difficult, well, I completely agree with them and know the challenges they face in learning it. I am here, and I offer you the complete guide on your trip, I will share with you my knowledge and experience with learning a foreign language and how I could learn it ONLY in three months.
At the same time, I can help you in every case where language has become a problem. Whether it is translation of texts, documents or interpreting from a foreign language.
I have worked with nearly 15 organizations and schools since I came to Slovakia and had great success with my students, ranging from middle school to college-age, non-traditional students and employees in the corporate world. I am currently a lecturer in 7 state Slovak schools and one international company where I take turns during the week and give lessons.
Occasionally I also get involved in mentoring students, curriculum design, and career counseling with comprehensive experience in different programs, topics, age levels, and educational approaches.
Layla is a motivated and dedicated person with excellent knowledge and experience in languages. I communicate with her in French, Arabic and English and it's always a pleasure to speak with her. She is very sympathetic and easy to speak to. Her multicultural background makes her a unique teacher because she knows the challenges you face when learning a new language and can guide you in your journey. I totally recommend you to talk to Layla.❤️
Náš 11-ročný syn vďaka svojmu postihnutiu nestíhal v škole s učivom z angličtiny. Už po 2 mesiacoch doučovania s Laylou učivo krásne dobehol a dokonca ho angličtina začala baviť. Odrazilo sa to na výrazne zlepšených zámkach. Oceňujeme hlavne individuálny prístup a program hodín zostavený nášmu synovi podľa jeho potrieb a možností. Vzhľadom k súčasnej situácii oceňujeme možnosť a schopnosť viesť vyučovanie aj online spôsobom.
Layla je úžasná pani učiteľka s prístupom k učeniu, ktorý na našich školách chýba. Vďaka nej moju dcéru opäť baví angličtina a má aj skvelú kamarátku. Sme veľmi spokojní a Laylu doporučujem všetkým deťom 🙂
Layla učí angličtinu môjho 5 ročného syna Adamka úžasným spôsobom a to hrou. Zábavi sa, naučí sa, hodina je sita na mieru. Layla ma skvelý kamarátsky a milý pristup. Som veľmi šťastná, že sme Ta Layla spoznali! Ďakujem ❤️
Layla uci mojho maleho 5,5 rocneho syna aj s jeho kamaratom. Som moc vdacna za tuto mladucku kreativnu lektorku, ktora vie ako na tak male deti a uci ich anglicky jazyk formou zaujimavych a chytlavych hier. Deti chodia na jej hodiny s radostou a uz aj po kratkej dobe vidno obrovske vysledky. Cochvila predbehne so speakovanim aj mna 😄... Layla - dakujem. ❤️
Layla má krásny prístup k deťom, trpezlivo a premyslene s nimi pracuje, vie ich motivovať a zaujať či pracujú face to face alebo online, cítime z nej nadšenie pre vec a na talk s ňou sa vždy tešíme ❤👍
Odporúčam Laylu, lektorku veľmi milú, entuziastickú a vzdelanú, s ktorou lekcie Vám nielen pomôžu zlepšiť sa v angličtine ale aj zlepšia náladu a pozitívne Vás naladia!!
Vzdy usmiate hodiny fakt plne zabavy, syn na vzdy tesil na ne. Vrelo odporucam.
Super učitelka🥰. Moja dcéra chodí už 2rok a vidím,že sa učí bez problémov. Som veľmi spokojná. Dúfam ,že pani učitelka to vydrži z mojou dcérou aj nadalej.🥰🥰
I always start my first class with students with “BREAK THE ICE” as it’s an effective way to get to know each other. Through interactive methods I will know your strengths and weaknesses in addition to your interests to design a learning system adapted for you and according to that Each student gets a learning plan that’s based on what they know and how they learn best.
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